Monday 9 November 2015

LO2 - Fonts

Astro867 - Regular
I used this font for the magazine cover font because it is unique and stands out. The style of text has letters which are difficult to read which is why for the rest of the magazine I used a more legible font. 

 I used this font for the word "SEPT" on the magazine. This is the date that the magazine is being released and will be changed per month that the magazine is produced. It allows the reader to make sure that they are only purchasing the newest information and stops them from buying the same magazine more than once.
Arial - Regular
Arial - Bold
Myriad Pro - Bold
I used this font to make the pages more interesting, by making sure there wasn't the same font being continuity used all the time. This font was used to make sections of text stand out, such as personal reviews and information that the editor decided to share with the reader.

Neos - Regular
Neos - Oblique
Neos - Bold
 This is the main font that I used for the magazine because of how easy it is to read and the extensive number of variations of it that there are. This allows me to use the bolder versions of the font for more important parts of text or titles of the page, such as the name of the game the review is about on page 4-7.

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